Saviez-vous qu’en France, 90% des entreprises ont été victimes d’une faille de sécurité cyber au cours des cinq dernières années mais seules 51% sont inquiètes d’une nouvelle fuite de données ? Bien que 96% des chefs d’entreprises aient entendu parler du nouveau règlement GDPR, 54% admettent le connaître peu ou...
- Filed Under: Conferences, Events

Are you ready to change your communication habits to drive your business internationally ? Jeudi 7 juin 19h. Inscriptions : https://yurplan.com/event/Conference-Dirigeants-de-TPE-PME-etes-vous-prets-a-bousculer-vos-habitudes-de-communication-pour-reussir-a-l-international/16700
...- Filed Under: Conferences, Events

We welcomed our new ambassador to Lyon on April 5th, along with a number of the Embassy team from both Lyon and Paris. The event was organised with the BCC (thanks to Margaret and Brian) as well as DIT in Lyon (thanks to Isabelle). The purpose of the event was...
- Filed Under: Business lunch, Events

Want a job with flexible working hours and unlimited earning potential ? Award winning agency Leggett Immobilier is looking for more agents for the Lyon area. Candidates must speak French and English, have business development experience and be IT literate. Please see the careers section on our website: http://www.frenchestateagents.com/ or...
- Filed Under: Property, Uncategorised

Leggett Immobilier, real estate agency specialised in the expat market, needs more apartments and houses to sell for expats arriving soon in Lyon. Please contact lyon@leggett.fr or FIBA member Jon Chinn on 06 21 96 46 63 for more information. There are no agency fees for FIBA members selling property
...- Filed Under: Property