International New Year Apéro: Fiba – DBCRA – CCFB – Sweden

The 2023 FIBA International New Year Apéro was a great success last night with record numbers attending from no less than 4 different nationality clubs to see-in the new business year. It was a great opportunity to boost our local business networks over a fun, informal apéro in one of Lyon’s newest Kafés! For those who are unfamiliar with the new place to be for great food, decor and atmosphere, check out Kafé Stockholm!
Our thanks go to the DBCRA (Dutch business and culture Rhone Alpes), The CCFB Lyon (Chambre de commerce Franco Belge) and of course our hosts Kafé Stockholm all contributing to the great result after which we all concluded “A refaire bientôt”! or “Wordt binnenkort weer gedaan!” or “Kommer snart att göras igen”!

A matchmaking activity coupled with a fun photobooth opportunity was one of the highlights of the evening. The full online gallery of the evening can be found here. Feel free to add your own pictures of the evening if you have any.